Max’s gritty crime drama Tokyo Vice has come to an end after two seasons, as announced during a Produced By panel at Fox Studios. The announcement featured insights from Sarah Aubrey, Max’s Head of Original Content, alongside series creator J.T. Rogers and executive producer/director Alan Poul.
A spokesperson from Max expressed appreciation for the show’s production team, stating, “From Tokyo Vice’s richly written material to the gorgeously composed shots to the lived-in performances, the care and creativity of this enormously talented cast and crew shines in every frame of the show. We thank J.T., Alan, Ansel, Ken, Fifth Season, and Wowow for their partnership on this wholly unique modern noir thriller.”
Rogers and Poul reflected on the journey with Max, emphasizing the network’s support. “Over the last five years Max has made sure we got to tell our story. They have supported us through thick and thin. Not only did they give us these two seasons, they said yes when we asked to end season one with a series of cliffhangers, and they said yes when we asked for two extra episodes so we could land the plane in the way J.T. had always envisioned,” they remarked.
The series, based on the experiences of journalist Jake Adelstein, saw Ansel Elgort portray an American journalist navigating the perilous world of Tokyo’s underbelly, confronting the city’s most formidable Yakuza crime bosses. Tokyo Vice debuted in 2022, with production initially delayed due to COVID-19 and the complexities of filming in Japan.
Aubrey noted that Tokyo Vice was one of the first series she acquired for HBO Max, highlighting its role in the platform’s original content lineup. Rogers shared a personal connection to the story, revealing his long-standing friendship with Adelstein, which began during their driver’s education days.
Despite the show’s cancellation, Rogers and Poul remain optimistic about the future. “We know there is more story to tell. Of course we’ll see what the future holds, but we are indeed grateful to have been able to share this story on Max until now.”