Bollywood filmmaker and producer Karan Johar filed a lawsuit in the Bombay High Court on Wednesday against writer-director Bablu Singh, producer India Pride Advisory, and Sanjay Singh, of the upcoming movie Shaadi Ke Director Karan Aur Johar, which is all set to release on June 14. Johar sought a plea for an immediate prohibition of the release. Additionally, the Kill movie producer has filed an interim application seeking suspension of the film’s release during the ongoing litigation. The plea is presented before the single bench of Justice RI Chagla.
Detrimental to ‘Brand KJo’
The Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani director asserts that he has no affiliation with the film and that the makers are unlawfully exploiting his name without authorisation. Since Karan Johar’s name is explicitly mentioned in the title, the movie capitalizes on his name and exploits his brand, reputation, and, image. With the distribution of public promotional assets such as the trailer and the movie posters visibly carrying his name, the plea claims that it has caused severe damage to Johar’s name and goodwill.
He cited it has breached his right to privacy, right to publicity, and, personality rights. Even though the name Karan Johar is not together in the title Shaadi Ke Director Karan Aur Johar, given the producer’s stature in the media, it is implicit who is being referred to in the movie title.
Karan Johar’s work front
Karan Johar’s newly produced film Kill, starring Laksh Lalwani, is all set to release on July 5th, 2024. The producer called it, “India’s most violent movie.” Kill also premiered last year at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Recently, he produced Siddhart Malhotra’s Yoddha and Sara Ali Khan’s Ae Watan Mere Watan. The 52-year-old producer-director has an interesting lineup in 2024 and 2025 with Takht, Bad News, Jigra, Indian 2, Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari, and The Bull. The famed producer donned the director’s cap in Rocky aur Rani kii Prem Kahani in 2023, after a long time.