Actor Bala, best known for his work in Malayalam and Tamil films tied the knot for the third time on Wednesday, Oct 23. He tied the knot with his relative Kokila, who hails from Chennai in a low-key affair at Ernakulam’s Kaloor Pavakulam temple. The ‘Puthiya Mugam’ actor has now dropped the wedding video. He also asked for privacy during this time. In a note that accompanied, Bala wrote, “Thank you all sincerely.would like stay away from media for a while. My family is mine, hope all respects the same. God bless (sic).”
Check out the video here.
While talking to the media after his wedding, Bala expressed that he felt he needed support following his liver transplant, and hence got re-married. Though the actor’s past two marriages didn’t work out he is confident that the third time is the charm.
“I believe this will go well. I am confident about this as she is a relative of mine. For the past year, I’ve been eating well, sleeping better, and taking my medications properly. My health has improved greatly. This alliance was Kokila’s wish since childhood,” he said.
Actor Bala was first married to popular playback singer Amrutha Suresh. They have a daughter Avantika. They parted ways in 2019. In 2021, he tied the knot with Elizabeth, however, didn’t register it legally. They have been living separately for a few months now.