Akshay Kumar and Karan Johar are set to reunite for a film about C Sankaran Nair, which is set against the backdrop of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. The courtroom drama, directed by Karan Singh Tyagi, which will also feature R Madhavan and Ananya Panday in key roles, is reportedly eyeing a release in the first half of 2025.
According to reports, the yet-untitled film is currently in the post-production phase, with the makers planning for a release in 2025.A source revealed to Pinkvilla that the C Sankaran Nair biopic holds a special place in the hearts of Akshay and everyone at Dharma Productions, as it is a story that deserves to be told on the big screen.
The film’s plot revolves around Kumar’s character challenging the British Empire to acknowledge the horrors of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in India. The post-production work is progressing at full speed, with the team going all out to recreate the bygone era.
The official title of the Johar-produced film is expected to be announced in about two weeks. Reports suggest that this yet-untitled courtroom drama could be one of the finest works in Kumar’s career, and the trailer is expected to showcase its powerful content, performances, and scale.
The film takes its inspiration from the book ‘The Case That Shook The Empire – One Man’s Fight for the Truth’ about the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, which details a pursuit of justice that is considered one of the longest-running trials in history.
According to reports, the yet-untitled film is currently in the post-production phase, with the makers planning for a release in 2025.A source revealed to Pinkvilla that the C Sankaran Nair biopic holds a special place in the hearts of Akshay and everyone at Dharma Productions, as it is a story that deserves to be told on the big screen.
The film’s plot revolves around Kumar’s character challenging the British Empire to acknowledge the horrors of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in India. The post-production work is progressing at full speed, with the team going all out to recreate the bygone era.
The official title of the Johar-produced film is expected to be announced in about two weeks. Reports suggest that this yet-untitled courtroom drama could be one of the finest works in Kumar’s career, and the trailer is expected to showcase its powerful content, performances, and scale.
The film takes its inspiration from the book ‘The Case That Shook The Empire – One Man’s Fight for the Truth’ about the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, which details a pursuit of justice that is considered one of the longest-running trials in history.