Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel is making the most of her time in London, as seen by a recent viral video showcasing her lively presence at a party. The video, circulating widely on social media, features DJ Chetas playing the popular track “Maan Meri Jaan,” with Ameesha and the entire party crew energetically vibing to the music.
‘Gadar’ actress Ameesha can be seen enjoying herself, also crooning one of the tracks ‘Udd Jaa Kaale Kaava’ from her last released film ‘Gadar 2’ and embracing the upbeat atmosphere, indicating that she is thoroughly relishing her London experience.
Ameesha Patel, known for her roles in numerous Bollywood hits, appears to be in high spirits as she croons and dances to the music, embodying the vibrant nightlife of London.
On the professional front, Ameesha Patel was last seen in the film ‘Tauba Tera Jalwa,’ directed by Akashaditya Lama. She was highly praised for the film ‘Gadar’ and ‘Gadar 2’ where she was seen alongside Sunny Deol in the lead.
‘Gadar’ actress Ameesha can be seen enjoying herself, also crooning one of the tracks ‘Udd Jaa Kaale Kaava’ from her last released film ‘Gadar 2’ and embracing the upbeat atmosphere, indicating that she is thoroughly relishing her London experience.
Ameesha Patel, known for her roles in numerous Bollywood hits, appears to be in high spirits as she croons and dances to the music, embodying the vibrant nightlife of London.
On the professional front, Ameesha Patel was last seen in the film ‘Tauba Tera Jalwa,’ directed by Akashaditya Lama. She was highly praised for the film ‘Gadar’ and ‘Gadar 2’ where she was seen alongside Sunny Deol in the lead.
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