Ananya Panday has all her Saturday night plans set, and it involves celebrating her father Chunky Panday‘s latest work! The young star shared her excitement on social media, revealing her plan to catch the recently released ‘Vijay 69.’ Posting the movie poster on her Instagram stories, Ananya added the caption, “My movie night plan is sorted!,” along with the hashtag #Vijay69 and a starry-eyed emoji.”
In ‘Vijay 69’, Anupam Kher essays a determined 69-year-old with a mission-to prove that age is no barrier by competing in a triathlon. Every possible obstacle awaits his character, an inspiring yet stubborn “angry old man,” from the kind of coach he needs to his family’s support. On his way is his friend, played by Chunky Panday, who initially has doubts but eventually becomes the unlikely ally in that endgame. Directed and written by Akshay Roy and produced by Maneesh Sharma, this one beautifully brings into the frame resilience, amicability, and the undying spirit to pursue your dreams irrespective of your age.Ananya is high on action as far as her career is concerned. In the recent past, the actress was seen in Vikramaditya Motwane’s ‘CTRL’ with Vihaan Samat. The next on the cards for her would be the C Sankaran Nair biopic along with Akshay Kumar and R. Madhavan. She will also be seen in ‘Chand Mera Dil’, a romantic film, with the maker of ‘Kill’ Lakshya, when they share screen space. Produced by Karan Johar, who describes it as an intense love story, ‘Chand Mera Dil’ is directed by Vivek Soni and is going to be a musical highlight of 2025, with Johar promising a standout soundtrack. Ananya has a very promising year ahead of her, being a fan and then an actor.