Actor Anil Kapoor celebrated 35 years of his film Parinda and called it ‘the most powerful film ever made’ on Sunday. Taking to his Instagram Stories, Anil shared the poster of the film along with a message. (Also Read | When Vidhu Vinod Chopra tore Nana Patekar’s shirt during Parinda shoot after he hurled abuses)
The message read, “35 years ago, we had the audacity, the confidence, and the cool arrogance to call it ‘the most powerful film ever made.’ And to this day, Parinda continues to stand the test of time.”
Recalling the time, he added, “Looking back, it still surprises me that we dared to put that on the poster and that audiences embraced it so wholeheartedly. Thank you for keeping Parinda alive in your hearts after all these years. Here’s to a legacy that remains timeless! #35yearsofParinda.”
The 1989 crime drama also stars Jackie Shroff, Nana Patekar and Madhuri Dixit. The film was co-written, produced and directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra.
It is a crime drama that revolves around brothers Kishen (Jackie) and Karan (Anil), who reside in Mumbai. Karan falls in love with Paro (Madhuri), a friend’s beautiful sister, but he leaves India to attend school in America.
Kishen, meanwhile, enters into a life of crime, falling under the sway of Anna (Nana Patekar), a drug dealer. When Karan decides to return to India to pursue a relationship with Paro, Kishen tries to keep him away from his criminal life.
Anil will be seen in the action-drama Subedaar. It features Radhikka as Shyama, the daughter of Anil Kapoor’s character, Subedaar Arjun Maurya.
The makers on Wednesday made an announcement about the beginning of the shoot and also shared Anil’s look from the film.
Prime Video took to its official Instagram handle and posted the picture along with the caption, “From the frontlines to the home town – a fauji never backs down! #Subedaar, Now Filming!”
The film is directed by Suresh Triveni, who previously directed T-Series’ comedy-drama Tumhari Sulu (2017) and Jalsa, both headlined by Vidya Balan. Vikram Malhotra, Suresh Triveni, and Anil Kapoor serve as producers for the film.
“In an adrenaline-fueled action drama, Subedaar Arjun Singh grapples with civilian life, navigating a strained relationship with his daughter, and societal dysfunction. The man who once fought for the nation must now fight enemies within to protect his home and family,” read the official synopsis of the project.
Subedaar is a joint production by Opening Image Films and Anil Kapoor Film and Communication Network (AKFCN), with Vikram Malhotra, Anil Kapoor, and Suresh Triveni as producers.