Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma has shared her thoughts on the docu-series ‘Angry Young Men,’ which delves into the iconic partnership of Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar, the legendary screenwriting duo who shaped the narrative of Hindi cinema in the 1970s and 80s. The series, which consists of three episodes, explores the duo’s remarkable journey and their impact on the industry.
After watching the series, Anushka took to Instagram stories to express her admiration for the show.She shared a scene featuring Javed Akhtar, where he recited a quote by novelist Krishan Chander from his first published poetry book. Anushka captioned her story, “So much history, but also, wisdom in this docu series,” accompanied by a white heart emoji.
Sharma’s review adds to the growing list of Bollywood personalities who have praised the series. Earlier, filmmaker Hansal Mehta also shared his thoughts on the show. In a post on Twitter, Mehta described the series as “nostalgic and intimate,” likening it to an “expensive family video for public consumption.” He praised the introspective conversations between Salim and Javed, calling them a treasure for the viewers.
‘Angry Young Men’ features appearances by Bollywood stars like Salman Khan, Farhan Akhtar, Shabana Azmi, and Amitabh Bachchan. These stars contribute their insights, narrating the story of the iconic writer-lyricist duo and reflecting on their lasting influence in the film industry. The series not only pays homage to Salim-Javed’s legacy but also provides a deep dive into the creative minds that redefined Bollywood storytelling.
After watching the series, Anushka took to Instagram stories to express her admiration for the show.She shared a scene featuring Javed Akhtar, where he recited a quote by novelist Krishan Chander from his first published poetry book. Anushka captioned her story, “So much history, but also, wisdom in this docu series,” accompanied by a white heart emoji.
Sharma’s review adds to the growing list of Bollywood personalities who have praised the series. Earlier, filmmaker Hansal Mehta also shared his thoughts on the show. In a post on Twitter, Mehta described the series as “nostalgic and intimate,” likening it to an “expensive family video for public consumption.” He praised the introspective conversations between Salim and Javed, calling them a treasure for the viewers.
‘Angry Young Men’ features appearances by Bollywood stars like Salman Khan, Farhan Akhtar, Shabana Azmi, and Amitabh Bachchan. These stars contribute their insights, narrating the story of the iconic writer-lyricist duo and reflecting on their lasting influence in the film industry. The series not only pays homage to Salim-Javed’s legacy but also provides a deep dive into the creative minds that redefined Bollywood storytelling.
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