Arbaaz Khan and Sshura Khan who tied the knot last year in December are one of the most-loved couples in Bollywood. They were recently spotted out in the city outside the hospital. A paparazzi video captured them holding hands while leaving a hospital, which prompted the photographers to ask them about the good news.
Arbaaz Khan was seen in a casual outfit, while Shura Khan was wearing a crop-top and open shirt with denim shorts and styled with a cap.In the video, paparazzi could be heard asking the couple if they have any good news, ‘Kya khushkhabri hai ?’ Arbaaz and Sshura did not react as they got into their car and left without making any statements.
The duo got married in December, 2023, after dating for over a year which came as a surprise to many as the couple was never spotted together. Later, Arbaaz revealed that they dated for almost a year and used to visit restaurants regularly. However, the paparazzi never noticed them.
Talking exclusively to ETimes, Arbaaz had said, “People might be shocked or surprised over it, but we had been dating for over a year before we took the step… we were very sure of what we were doing . We were very lucky, we were meeting outside at coffee shops and when I used to go to pick her up or drop, no one would spot us, and she was also happy that there were no paps here, but now, even before I enter a coffee shop, the paps are there.”
Arbaaz was previously married to Malaika Arora. They were granted divorce after 18 years of marriage. They are currently co-parenting their son Arhaan Khan, who recently launched his podcast called Dumb Biryani, where both Arbaaz and Malaika along with Sohail Khan appeared as guests.
Arbaaz Khan was seen in a casual outfit, while Shura Khan was wearing a crop-top and open shirt with denim shorts and styled with a cap.In the video, paparazzi could be heard asking the couple if they have any good news, ‘Kya khushkhabri hai ?’ Arbaaz and Sshura did not react as they got into their car and left without making any statements.
The duo got married in December, 2023, after dating for over a year which came as a surprise to many as the couple was never spotted together. Later, Arbaaz revealed that they dated for almost a year and used to visit restaurants regularly. However, the paparazzi never noticed them.
Talking exclusively to ETimes, Arbaaz had said, “People might be shocked or surprised over it, but we had been dating for over a year before we took the step… we were very sure of what we were doing . We were very lucky, we were meeting outside at coffee shops and when I used to go to pick her up or drop, no one would spot us, and she was also happy that there were no paps here, but now, even before I enter a coffee shop, the paps are there.”
Arbaaz was previously married to Malaika Arora. They were granted divorce after 18 years of marriage. They are currently co-parenting their son Arhaan Khan, who recently launched his podcast called Dumb Biryani, where both Arbaaz and Malaika along with Sohail Khan appeared as guests.
Sshura Khan Narrowly Avoids Collision on Rush to Meet Husband Arbaaz Khan