Nag Ashwin is currently basking in the acclaim and box office success of his latest directorial venture Kalki 2898 AD. But the director is also taking a look back at his initial days in the industry, when he was trying to make his first film and set up his production house. In a new Instagram post, Nag penned a note of gratitude for the journey so far, and shared a picture with wife-producer Priyanka Dutt and producer Swapna Dutt. (Also read: Kalki 2898 AD worldwide box office collection day 4: Prabhas, Deepika Padukone film flies past ₹500 cr mark)
What Nag said
Taking to Instagram on Monday, Nag shared a happy picture with Priyanka and Swapna, as all of them smiled for the camera. In the caption, he began, “Around 10 years ago, the three of us began our debut feature film ‘Yevade’ together… Vyjayanti was at a low and this film was a risky one…I remember a day of shoot with 20 extras and it rained…we couldn’t finish and meant we had to come back and setup again…that extra cost was unaccounted for and made us break down and panic…in retrospect that cost wasn’t much at all…from that to this…”
‘I feel proud and blessed’
He went on to admit that there might be shortcomings but they will continue to do better. “10 years later…every movie we have made together, is not just successful at the box office, but a small milestone in film history, in its own way…I feel proud and blessed to stand between these two…and be part of the impossible things we are pulling off… There are shortcomings…there is so much room to improve… And we shall. For now, just Gratitude (folded hands emoticons),” he concluded.
Nag made his directorial debut in 2015 with the coming-of-age film Yevade Subramanyam. He went on to direct Mahanati, a biopic of actress Savitri. The film was a huge box office success and won National Awards. Kalki 2898 AD has already broken several box office records, including the biggest opening day in the history of Indian cinema, surpassing Jawan.