
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Poetry Collection

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Poetry Collection
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Poetry Collection

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Poetry Collection

Atal Bihari Vajpayee is known as a great poet and statesman, who has greatly increased the country’s honor and development, he was awarded Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honor for service to India. Atal ji’s poems reflect the love of patriotism, through which he has tried to inspire the youth of the country. Through these poems, he inspires the youth of the country to serve the country fearlessly, today we are telling you about the poetry collection of Atal Bihari Vajpayee on this page.

1. Have to walk step by step

Obstacles come, come

Decrease the magnitude of the catastrophe that surrounds it,

embers under the feet,

If the flames rain on the head,

Laughing in my hands,

Will have to burn with fire

Will have to go step by step.

In laughter, in storms,

If in countless sacrifices,

In the gardens, in the desert,

In humiliations, in honours,

raised head, embossed chest,

To grow in pain

Will have to go step by step.

in the light, in the darkness,

Tomorrow in Kahar, in the middle edge,

In great hatred, in deep love,

In a momentary victory, in a long defeat,

100% charming of life,

Desires will have to be cast.

Will have to go step by step.

If the goal path stretched in front,

Pragati Chirantan how it is now,

Susmit joyous what kind of labor slath,

Failed, Successful Same Desire,

Don’t ask for anything by giving everything.

Will have to be molded as a paus.

Will have to go step by step.

A life laced with some thorns,

Youth deprived of intense love,

Silently articulated Madhuban,

Devote your body and mind,

In the hundred sacrifice of life,

Will burn, will melt

Will have to go step by step.

2. Two Feelings

A. first feeling

The faces are exposed, the scars are deep.

Broken magic today I am afraid of the truth.

I don’t sing songs

The city looked like a shattered mirror,

I am not able to meet my loved ones in the fair.

I don’t sing songs

The moon is like a knife in the back, Rahu has jumped the line,

I am bound again and again in moments of liberation.

I don’t sing songs

B. second feeling

sing new song

Basanti vocals burst from broken strings,

A new sprout has grown in the chest of stone,

All the yellow leaves fell, the cuckoo night of the cuckoo,

I know seeing Arunim’s care in Prachi.

sing new song

Who listened to the broken dreams sobbing,

The pain of the gap settled on the eyelids,

I will not give up, I will not decide,

I erase writing on Kaal’s skull.

sing new song

3. Milk cracked

Why did the blood turn white?

Distinction lost in distinction.

Martyrs divided, songs cut,

The dagger broke in the liver.

Milk cracked.

The smell of landmine in the fields,

The broken verses of Nanak,

Sutlej got scared, she is upset.

Falled out of spring

Milk cracked.

Hate your own shadow,

Hugs have started

The way to happiness, you care about the country.

Make a point, it got messed up.

Milk cracked.

4. Don’t live in Manali

don’t live manali gori

under the king’s rule,

Live it live

Don’t fly

hanging in the balance,

in the aeroplane,

Live it live

Don’t drink the message

Telephones are broken

In Mirdha Maharaj,

Live it live

Take the torch, live

Bijuri Bhai Barin,

in the dark night,

Live it live

Live the trishul dam,

Will meet Khalistani,

Under Rajiv’s rule,

Manali so jiho,

Bring happiness

misery neko lage, mohe

Under the king’s rule

5.A year has passed

Jhulasata Jeth month,

autumn moonlight sad,

Sawan’s sobbing,

The inner way went,

A year has passed

The world is confined to the limits,

But the lifeless

From earth to amber,

Goonj Mukti Geet Gaya |

A year has passed

Nayan looking at the path,

The number of days snatched away,

Will ever come back

The mind that is gone

A year has passed

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