Kouija Miura’s award-winning manga series Ao no Hako, serialised in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump, kicked off its TV anime journey on October 3. Its weekly episodes of the wholesome dramedy are expanding Netflix’s anime catalogue alongside the ongoing Dan Da Dan simulcast and Sakamoto Days’ yet-to-premiere addition.
Taiki Inomata, a first-year student at Eimei Academy – a sports powerhouse — has big dreams of qualifying for the badminton nationals, a flourishing reality in the making. At the same time, his heartfelt feelings for star basketball player Chinatsu Kano intertwine their paths with a jump-starting plot twist that sets everything into motion. Blue Box Episode 5, releasing this week, will again catch the two and other supporting characters balancing their young sports careers, school, feelings and life in general.
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Listed for a total of 25 episodes, combining two consecutive running cours of the sports anime, the Telecom Animation Film production features Official Hige Dandism’s “Same Blue” as the opening theme song. The 20+ minute-long episodes close out with the ending theme “Teenage Blue” by Eve. The forthcoming “Aquarium” episode will be out in two days. Here’s what we know about the anime’s next release schedule.
Blue Box Episode 5 Release date and time
Blue Box / Ao no Hako episodes air in Japan on local networks JNN and TBS, whereas Netflix streams the weekly anime premieres for international audiences every Thursday.
The upcoming episode of the sports romance series will be out in different zones as per the following schedule:
Pacific Daylight Time: Thursday, October 31, at 7:57 am
Eastern Daylight Time: Thursday, October 31, at 10:57 am
British Summer Time: Thursday, October 31, at 3:57 pm
Indian Standard Time: Thursday, October 31, at 8:27 pm
Japanese Standard Time: Thursday, October 31, at 11:57 pm
Australian Eastern Standard Time: Friday, November 1, at 12:57 am
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What to expect from Blue Box Episode 5?
Episode 4, “If He Wins,” fired up anticipation for the next offering, teasing Inomata and Kano’s aquarium date. Although the results of the badminton match pitting Inomata against Kishi have yet to be revealed, a preview of the episode has already offered a glimpse into the aftermath with Inomata and Kano at the aquarium. The brief teaser shows them putting their overpowering awkwardness away for a moment and opening up to each other in light of their new living arrangement as housemates.
Ao no Hako official website: aonohako-anime.com