Kartik Aaryan’s latest film Chandu Champion is a biopic on Padma Shri Awardee and India’s first paralympic gold medallist Murlikant Petkar. And just like the legend, the film based on him is showing great resilience at the box office. The film earned Rs 35.25 crore in the first week and in the second week it has crossed the golden mark of Rs 50 crore and is still holding steady.
Chandu Champion entered the second weekend with Friday collection of Rs 2.65 crore.On Saturday, the film moved up by 83 percent to collect Rs 4.85 crore, and on Sunday it earned Rs 6.50 crore, scoring a Rs 14 crore weekend. On Monday, the film saw a natural drop to earn Rs 1.75 crore and on Tuesday the collection jumped to mint Rs 2 crore, as per early estimates by Sacnilk. The total collection of Chandu Champion now stands at Rs 53 crore.
Kartik underwent a significant transformation for the role, reducing his body fat percentage from 39 percent to just 7 percent and dropping his weight from 90 kgs to 72 kgs. He also trained in swimming for the film as after getting injured in a war sequence in the film, his character takes up swimming and wins gold for India at the paralympic Olympics.
The box office is getting primed up for a big change with the release of Nag Ashwin’s Kalki 2898 AD tomorrow and most existing films in the theatres will have to bear the brunt of it.
Chandu Champion entered the second weekend with Friday collection of Rs 2.65 crore.On Saturday, the film moved up by 83 percent to collect Rs 4.85 crore, and on Sunday it earned Rs 6.50 crore, scoring a Rs 14 crore weekend. On Monday, the film saw a natural drop to earn Rs 1.75 crore and on Tuesday the collection jumped to mint Rs 2 crore, as per early estimates by Sacnilk. The total collection of Chandu Champion now stands at Rs 53 crore.
Kartik underwent a significant transformation for the role, reducing his body fat percentage from 39 percent to just 7 percent and dropping his weight from 90 kgs to 72 kgs. He also trained in swimming for the film as after getting injured in a war sequence in the film, his character takes up swimming and wins gold for India at the paralympic Olympics.
The box office is getting primed up for a big change with the release of Nag Ashwin’s Kalki 2898 AD tomorrow and most existing films in the theatres will have to bear the brunt of it.