Celebrity photographer Dabboo Ratnani recently shared his experience working with Shah Rukh Khan during the actor’s early days. He recalled how Shah Rukh would actively seek his guidance on posing and followed instructions with full trust, without hesitation when he was a newcomer.
Dabboo Ratnani shared an interesting moment from his first photoshoot with Shah Rukh Khan when the actor was new to the industry.Shah Rukh, feeling unsure about posing, asked Dabboo for guidance. Initially, Dabboo thought Shah Rukh was joking, but he soon realized the actor genuinely wanted direction. Shah Rukh then asked Dabboo to demonstrate the poses so he could imitate them, showing his willingness to learn. This anecdote was shared during a chat with Vishal Malhotra on his YouTube channel.
Dabboo also recalled that, at first, he thought SRK was joking when he asked for posing advice during their early photoshoot. However, he soon realized the actor was serious. Shah Rukh followed Dabboo’s instructions perfectly, copying the poses just as demonstrated, showcasing his eagerness to learn and improve.
Ratnani shared a memorable photoshoot with Shah Rukh Khan where he spontaneously asked the actor to walk out of a lake for the perfect shot. Shah Rukh, without hesitation, embraced the idea, following the photographer’s direction without question. His willingness to adapt and understand the creative vision impressed Ratnani, highlighting Shah Rukh’s dedication and openness during shoots.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shah Rukh will be next seen in ‘King‘ with his daughter Suhana Khan.