Debina Bonnerjee has been indulging in more and more content creation on her social media handle lately. The actor, who was blessed with two daughters Lianna and Divisha in 2022. She keeps talking about making reels along with managing her kids in her Instagram captions. “I am enjoying every moment and trying to capture it as it is, just by trying to not lose my cool. It takes a lot of patience, I have become an epitome of patience, only then I am able to handle the babies and create content together,” she tells us.
“There are times when a brand has to shoot with me, I tell them beforehand that you have to be patient. Babies are not actors, they will not give the right expression at the right time. While creating content for a brand, that also takes two days sometimes, because the babies can be sleepy, cranky, or moody. I love making content and I love my babies, that’s why I am enjoying it,” the 41-year-old further adds, highlighting that patience is the key with kids.
Also Read: Gurmeet Choudhary on allegations of Debina favouring one daughter over the other: ‘Only fools could think this way’
The actor goes back to the time when she wasn’t able to conceive and when she finally welcomed the babies, it was no less than a blessing. “There was a time when I was working on television, I was just working. People used to ask me when I will have babies, I genuinely used to feel that I am here to work and not ready for babies. When we finally decided to have a baby, I had a long wait. So now when I have them, there’s a feeling of gratitude and love, those feelings have not faded. The hunger and void were there for such a long time that now I cherish them. Chaahe unn log ka tantrum ho ya jo marzi ho, mai enjoy karti hu process ko,” she shares.
Bonnerjee emphasises that it can at time be very difficult to manage everything with toddlers. “It is true that I have help at home but babies are connected to their mother. In every moment, they want their mother and both my girls being of the same age, there is no level of understanding that one has over the other. They have the same bandwidth of understanding,” she continues, “If one wants something, the other one wants exactly that. I suffer from mom’s guilt if I go out or pick one baby in my arms and not the other. And, I believe that if you love something, you get tired, but you don’t complain about getting overwhelmed.”
Sharing a recent incident where she took her kids to a meeting like a pro. “The other day, I had a very important meeting somewhere, a little far from home. My mom wasn’t there and there was only one person for help and handling two toddlers alone is not possible. You cannot keep them unattended at this age. So, I decided that I will take them along with me to the meeting. I have a double stroller, mai leke toh chali gayi and by the time I reached, dono hi sogaye,” she tells us.
“My meeting went on for around one and a half hours and they left throughout. It felt so good that they also thought ‘Mumma aap kaam karlo, we are sleeping’. I can manage everything myself, chaahe aaspaas uss time help ho na ho,” Bonnerjee concludes.