Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone starrer film ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ has created a stir at the box office. The film has crossed the mark of Rs 500 crore worldwide in just 4 days. This film has earned around Rs 309 crore across the country and has collected the most in the Hindi belt. Apart from the lead cast, there are several special appearances and cameos by several stars like Vijay Deverakonda, Mrunal Thakur, Dulquer Salmaan, Ram Gopal Varma, SS Rajamouli and Brahmanandam. Apart from that Sobhita Dhulipala also has a special connection with Kalki 2898 AD.
Sobhita Dhulipala has dubbed her voice for DP in the Telugu version
Let us tell you here that Sobhita Dhulipala has dubbed Deepika Padukone’s dialogues for the Telugu language of this film. That is, when you hear Deepika speaking dialogues in Telugu, it is actually Sobhita’s voice. This year’s most awaited film ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ has been released in five languages including Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. The film has earned the most in Telugu and Hindi. Till Sunday, this film has earned 167.5 crores in Telugu and 111.5 crores in Hindi. Deepika’s character in the film is named Sumathi and Sobhita has become her voice in the Telugu version.
Telugu is Sobhita’s mother tongue
Let us tell you that Telugu is Made In Heaven actor’s mother tongue and that is why the nuances of her dialogue easily connect with the depth of the film’s story. Sharing on her Instagram story on Monday morning, Sobhita shared a screenshot of the credit roll where her name is seen written, which read, ‘Special Thanks Sobhita Dhulipala.’ The actress has thanked director Nag Ashwin and has written ‘Sweetest’ with a heart emoji in the caption.
About the film
Kalki 2898 AD takes the audience a hundred years ahead. Its collection is related to the Mahabharata period in which the whole film is based around the story of Lord Vishnu’s Kalki avatar. Amitabh Bachchan played the role of Ashwatthama in the film, which is very powerful. This is the reason why many people are calling it Amitabh’s film and not Prabhas’s film.
Also Read: Kalki 2898 AD’s first-weekend collection in Hindi version creates historic milestone | Deets Inside