Filmmaker Siddharth P Malhotra, who recently delivered ‘Maharaj’ has spoken about its lead actor Junaid Khan’s down-to-earth attitude. Despite being Bollywood star Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid is quite humble and unassuming. The ‘Maharaj’ director recently opened up about working with Junaid Khan, and how natural the latter is when it comes to acting.
The filmmaker spoke about how Junaid used to travel by auto and also revealed that the star kid was once denied entry at the YRF studios.In an interview with India Today, Siddharth P Malhotra shared that he will throw a party the day Junaid has a tantrum, as the debutant is so humble. He recalled that Junaid used to come to his house along with other cast members for readings for one year, as his court scene and the monologue needed practice.
Siddharth also expressed that Karsandas Mulji, played by Junaid, was a ‘tough role’ for a newcomer to do. Hence Junaid had to go through a year of rigorous training with Sneha and him. “Every time he used to come in an auto. Even my staff would ask ‘Ye Aamir Khan ka beta hai? (Is he Aamir Khan’s son?),” the director recalled.
He further revealed that Junaid was denied entry to the YRF studies because he arrived in an auto. The security didn’t let him in as he didn’t believe Junaid was the hero.
The filmmaker spoke about how Junaid used to travel by auto and also revealed that the star kid was once denied entry at the YRF studios.In an interview with India Today, Siddharth P Malhotra shared that he will throw a party the day Junaid has a tantrum, as the debutant is so humble. He recalled that Junaid used to come to his house along with other cast members for readings for one year, as his court scene and the monologue needed practice.
Siddharth also expressed that Karsandas Mulji, played by Junaid, was a ‘tough role’ for a newcomer to do. Hence Junaid had to go through a year of rigorous training with Sneha and him. “Every time he used to come in an auto. Even my staff would ask ‘Ye Aamir Khan ka beta hai? (Is he Aamir Khan’s son?),” the director recalled.
He further revealed that Junaid was denied entry to the YRF studies because he arrived in an auto. The security didn’t let him in as he didn’t believe Junaid was the hero.
I Didn’t Matter He Is Aamir Khan’s Son: Director Siddharth P Malhotra On Working With Junaid Khan
Despite landing in legal soup, ‘Maharaj’ was released and the film is currently streaming on Netflix.