Diljit Dosanjh is winning hearts with his Dil-Luminati India tour. The singer recently had his second show in Delhi at a packed Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium where crowds went berserk. There were around 40,000 people at the stadium and the show went on for about two hours. He crooned to his songs like Proper Patola, Hass Hass, Lemonade, Kinni Kinni, Naina, Ikk Kudi, Clash, Lover, Khutti and Patiala Peg.
On Monday, the singer shared a video from his concert where he spoke about his love for the language Punjabi which has a connection to his mother. He said, “When I was born my mother spoke in Punjabi. I learnt Punjabi first. Our country has different languages and I respect them a lot, be it Gujarati, or Marathi. Some speak Kannada, Telugu, and Hindi, and I respect them very much. But because my mother speaks Punjabi, so I too speak Punjabi. So I say Punjabi Aa Gaye Delhi Oye”
He further gave a message to the huge crowd in his interaction. “I want you all to dream big. Please dream as big as possible. We were born to fulfil our dreams. Dream big guys. If I can do it, you can too. I haven’t studied much, but if I can make people speak in Punjabi then you can do anything,” said the singer-actor.