Film director Sanoj Mishra, known for his work on ‘The Diary of West Bengal,’ has been reported missing since August 14, 2024, after traveling to Kolkata. His unexpected disappearance has sparked concern, with his wife fearing the worst and suspecting foul play. The movie, which delves into the violent incidents in West Bengal, has stirred significant controversy and debate, making Mishra a target of numerous threats following the release of the film’s trailer earlier this year.
Sanoj Mishra’s wife, Dwiti Mishra, revealed in an interview with ABP Live that her husband left their home on the morning of August 14 to catch a flight to Kolkata.He was reportedly summoned by the Kolkata Police for questioning related to his film. Mishra had assured his family that he would call them in the afternoon, but since he arrived in Kolkata, all his phone numbers have been switched off, leaving his family in a state of distress.
Dwiti Mishra explained that Sanoj was last seen by his nephew, who dropped him off at the airport at 7:30 a.m. on the day of his departure. Mishra’s flight was scheduled for 9:00 a.m., but after reaching Kolkata, he failed to make any contact with his family or friends. His wife grew increasingly concerned as the day went on, and by the evening, she decided to reach out to the police for help.Police initially discovered that Mishra’s phone was briefly active near a temple in Kolkata on the evening of August 15. However, it was switched off shortly afterward, and no further trace of him has been found since. Concerned for her husband’s safety, Dwiti has filed a formal complaint at the Gomti Nagar police station, fearing that his life may be in danger.
The controversy surrounding ‘The Diary of West Bengal’ erupted earlier this year following the release of its trailer. The film’s portrayal of violence in West Bengal sparked intense criticism, leading to a wave of threats directed at Mishra from multiple sources. The situation intensified when the West Bengal Police issued him a legal notice, alleging that his depiction of events in the film had damaged the state’s reputation.
Mishra’s wife believes that his disappearance is linked to these threats and the ongoing legal issues surrounding the film. “He had been receiving continuous threats since the trailer was released,” Dwiti said, expressing her fear that her husband might be a victim of a larger conspiracy aimed at silencing him.
Sanoj Mishra’s wife, Dwiti Mishra, revealed in an interview with ABP Live that her husband left their home on the morning of August 14 to catch a flight to Kolkata.He was reportedly summoned by the Kolkata Police for questioning related to his film. Mishra had assured his family that he would call them in the afternoon, but since he arrived in Kolkata, all his phone numbers have been switched off, leaving his family in a state of distress.
Dwiti Mishra explained that Sanoj was last seen by his nephew, who dropped him off at the airport at 7:30 a.m. on the day of his departure. Mishra’s flight was scheduled for 9:00 a.m., but after reaching Kolkata, he failed to make any contact with his family or friends. His wife grew increasingly concerned as the day went on, and by the evening, she decided to reach out to the police for help.Police initially discovered that Mishra’s phone was briefly active near a temple in Kolkata on the evening of August 15. However, it was switched off shortly afterward, and no further trace of him has been found since. Concerned for her husband’s safety, Dwiti has filed a formal complaint at the Gomti Nagar police station, fearing that his life may be in danger.
The controversy surrounding ‘The Diary of West Bengal’ erupted earlier this year following the release of its trailer. The film’s portrayal of violence in West Bengal sparked intense criticism, leading to a wave of threats directed at Mishra from multiple sources. The situation intensified when the West Bengal Police issued him a legal notice, alleging that his depiction of events in the film had damaged the state’s reputation.
Mishra’s wife believes that his disappearance is linked to these threats and the ongoing legal issues surrounding the film. “He had been receiving continuous threats since the trailer was released,” Dwiti said, expressing her fear that her husband might be a victim of a larger conspiracy aimed at silencing him.
As of now, the search for Sanoj Mishra continues, with the police working to trace his whereabouts. The case has garnered significant attention, with many questioning the circumstances surrounding his disappearance and the possible involvement of external forces. The film community and the public await further developments in what has become a deeply troubling situation.
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