Kangana Ranaut starrer ‘Emergency’ is set to hit the big screens on September 6, and the excitement is through the roof. The makers of the film recently launched the trailer and it has managed to grab the attention of movie buffs. From Kangana Ranaut’s appearance to demeanour, the actress has managed to create a striking resemblance to the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi.
Sheetal Sharma, who is the costume designer of the film has now opened up about how Kangana Ranaut was particular about her look. Talking to Mid–Day, the costume designer revealed that Kangana found references from archival videos of Mrs Gandhi’s speeches, newspaper articles, and albums from the Parliament to perfect her look.
The designer also added that like Elizabeth Debicki looked and behaved almost like Lady Diana, Kangana too wanted to look like Indira Gandhi down to the minutest details, including her clothes, prints, fabric, and glasses. The designer also spoke about how they replicated the Shimla Agreement signing look, and when taking the oath as the PM. They also incorporated Indira Gandhi’s French chiffon sarees and khadi blouses, her famous hairstyle, and also the way her shawl was draped.
Sheetal Sharma, who is the costume designer of the film has now opened up about how Kangana Ranaut was particular about her look. Talking to Mid–Day, the costume designer revealed that Kangana found references from archival videos of Mrs Gandhi’s speeches, newspaper articles, and albums from the Parliament to perfect her look.
The designer also added that like Elizabeth Debicki looked and behaved almost like Lady Diana, Kangana too wanted to look like Indira Gandhi down to the minutest details, including her clothes, prints, fabric, and glasses. The designer also spoke about how they replicated the Shimla Agreement signing look, and when taking the oath as the PM. They also incorporated Indira Gandhi’s French chiffon sarees and khadi blouses, her famous hairstyle, and also the way her shawl was draped.
Exclusive: Kangana Ranaut Unveils The REAL Story Behind Making ‘Emergency’, Bollywood Controversies & Politics
Also directed by Kangana Ranaut, ‘Emergency’ is based on former prime minister Indira Gandhi’s declaration of a state of emergency in India in 1975.