Emraan Hashmi spoke highly of Ranbir’s evolution as an actor during a podcast with Shubhankar Mishra. Despite admitting to not closely following Kapoor’s earlier ‘chocolate boy’ image films, Hashmi confessed that ‘Animal’ compelled him to take notice.”I have watched Animal and I think it’s commendable how he played a character, with gray shades and is not easy to like, with such conviction. This is commendable,” Hashmi emphasized.
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Reflecting on his own career trajectory, the actor also addressed the phenomenon of typecasting in Bollywood, drawing parallels to his own journey as the ‘serial kisser’ following the success of films like ‘Murder’. He acknowledged that such labels often become ingrained in an actor’s public persona, citing examples of other Bollywood icons who have been similarly branded for specific traits or actions on screen.
Beyond his accolades for Ranbir Kapoor, Emraan Hashmi revealed insights into his current projects, including his ventures into South Indian cinema following a cameo appearance in Sara Ali Khan’s ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’. Amidst his busy schedule, Hashmi remains committed to exploring diverse roles that challenge conventional stereotypes in the film industry.
Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor was recently in the news for the movie ‘Ramayana.’ Starring him as Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi as Goddess Sita, Sunny Deol as Hanuman, Lara Dutta as Kaikeyi, and Sheeba Chaddha as Manthara. According to the Bollywood Hungama report, the budget of the film is close to Rs.835 crore. Besides this, he will be seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Love & War.’ The film will also feature his wife and actress Alia Bhatt and ‘Bad Newz’ fame star Vicky Kaushal.