Kareena Kapoor Khan took to her Instagram stories to condemn the attack on pilgrims in Reasi, which took place on Sunday, June 9. The actress penned a note that read, “Heartbroken. The attack in Reasi is a reminder, that humanity suffers when violence prevails.”
Previously, Priyanka Chopra had re-shared a post about the attack on her Instagram stories and expressed, “Devastated.This heinous attack on innocent pilgrims is horrific. Why civilians and children?! It’s so hard to comprehend the hatred we’re around the world.” Alia Bhatt had also expressed grief and shared, “This is heartbreaking. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Violence against the innocent shakes the very core of our family.”
According to PTI, the tragedy occurred when terrorists unleashed gunfire on a 53-seater bus en route from the Shiv Khori temple to the Mata Vaishno Devi shrine in Katra. The attack caused the bus to plunge into a deep gorge near the Teryath village of the Poni area in Reasi. This unfortunate event resulted in the loss of nine lives and left 41 others injured. The bus was carrying pilgrims from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Delhi.
Previously, Priyanka Chopra had re-shared a post about the attack on her Instagram stories and expressed, “Devastated.This heinous attack on innocent pilgrims is horrific. Why civilians and children?! It’s so hard to comprehend the hatred we’re around the world.” Alia Bhatt had also expressed grief and shared, “This is heartbreaking. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Violence against the innocent shakes the very core of our family.”
According to PTI, the tragedy occurred when terrorists unleashed gunfire on a 53-seater bus en route from the Shiv Khori temple to the Mata Vaishno Devi shrine in Katra. The attack caused the bus to plunge into a deep gorge near the Teryath village of the Poni area in Reasi. This unfortunate event resulted in the loss of nine lives and left 41 others injured. The bus was carrying pilgrims from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Delhi.