Home Blog House of the Dragon Season 2: Sheepstealer Dragon in Vale Revealed | Filmymeet

House of the Dragon Season 2: Sheepstealer Dragon in Vale Revealed | Filmymeet

by Arun Kumar
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House of the Dragon Season 2: Sheepstealer Dragon in Vale Revealed | Filmymeet

House of the Dragon is getting fiercer with each new episode! From emotional conflicts to bloody battles and unresolved issues, the series has been brimming with discord. And the sixth episode teases an intriguing twist, a mysterious new dragon from the Vale that has been hiding in the shadows.
Rhaena Targaryen‘s plotline in House of the Dragon season 2 hasn’t been of much importance so far, compared to the main fighting between the Blacks and the Greens.She has been traveling to Vale with Rhaenyra’s younger children because she has never claimed a dragon and is unable to participate in the war. However, it appears that her brief vacation might have some significance and lead to her eventually obtaining her own dragon.
Rhaena finds herself on a walk in the Vale with her son Joffrey when they come across a big area of burnt dirt, charred sheep, and a pile of bones that could only have been made by a dragon. Rhaena confronts her keeper after learning that she has been misled about the absence of great dragons in the Vale. The dragon apparently came here a long time ago in search of food, and the Lady of the Vale laments that although it’s strong and could be useful, it’s a wild dragon.
Since every dragon that has been revealed so far this season has been identified, this must be a new dragon altogether, and some viewers have theories on who it might be. Sheepstealer is most likely the new dragon Rhaena has encountered based on what we now know about the narrative. Since Sheepstealer hasn’t been addressed in the series, most viewers haven’t heard of him before. However, readers of Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin, the book that House of the Dragon is based on, will know of Sheepstealer, a huge, brown, and slender dragon that is most known for herding and stealing sheep, true to his name.
According to the book, he emerged at some point during the reign of Jaehaerys I Targaryen and lived in Dragonmont, but he was also known to journey great distances in pursuit of his preferred food, mutton. Sheepstealer was left unclaimed for over 70 years, during which time he was primarily left alone.

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