On Saturday, Chunky Panday shared a reel on Instagram, offering a glimpse into his London diaries while filming Housefull 5. The reel featured a collection of behind-the-scenes moments aboard a cruise. He also shared a picture, where he appears to be savouring his morning coffee. Chunky even posted a stunning shot of the moon taken from the cruise, which is truly breathtaking. To complement the visuals, he added the song Hum Tum Ek Kamre Mein to the post.Chunky shared the video with the playful caption, “Meet the wonderful Mr. Cruise.” As soon as the behind-the-scenes reel went live, fans flooded the comments with excitement. One fan remarked, “Cool and dashing as always, Pandey ji! Remember your movie Aankhen with Bunnu and Munnu?” Another curious follower inquired, “Where is Sanju Baba, sir?”
Directed by Tarun Mansukhani, the film also stars Akshay Kumar, Jacqueline Fernandez, Abhishek Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Nargis Fakhri, Sonam Bajwa, Chitrangada Singh, and Soundarya Sharma in pivotal roles. The film is set to hit the screens on June 6, 2025.
On the other hand, Chunky Panday earlier shared a lighthearted moment from his life, posting a fun picture of himself taking a driving test after a long hiatus of 43 years. In the photo, he is seen posing with a police officer, dressed casually in an orange t-shirt and jeans. His Instagram caption read, “Gave a Driving test again after 43 years . And guess what….. I Passed . Thank you RTO Mumbai #roadsafety.”
His co-star Sonam Khan humorously commented, “Congratulations! You don’t know how to drive?? If so, thank goodness I didn’t have any driving scenes with you nonetheless congratulations once again .” Actor Sikander Kher also chimed in with a simple yet enthusiastic “Fantastic!”