Manoj Pahwa recently portrayed the role of Additional Director of Intelligence Bureau Mukul Mohan in the movie IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack. During an interview with India Today, the actor shared the audience’s reaction to his on-screen negotiation skills. He recounted a memorable compliment he received from a fan at the airport for his performance. (Also read: IC 814 The Kandahar Hijack teaser: Anubhav Sinha packs gripping thriller series with Vijay Varma leading ensemble cast)
Manoj Pahwa on fan’s reaction to IC 814
Manoj, shared that while waiting in a queue at the Coimbatore airport as he headed to Mumbai, a few passengers spoke to him about his series. He said, “There were a few families behind me and they said, ‘Sir, you are also on this flight. If this gets hijacked, who will negotiate?’ I was surprised that this just released, they have already seen it. In that moment, I thought, ‘Now I can go back to Mumbai, people have a good response’.”
About IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack
Manoj’s character in the show negotiates with the terrorists and helps to end the hostage crisis. IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack is based on the real-life events of 1999 when Indian Airlines flight IC 814 was hijacked by five men after it took off from Kathmandu. The flight first landed in Amritsar, then in Lahore, and then in Dubai, where 27 passengers were freed in exchange for fuel. The plane was then taken to Kandahar, and the standoff lasted for a week.
IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack is directed by Anubhav Sinha. It features Vijay Varma, Naseeruddin Shah, Pankaj Kapur, Arvind Swamy, Dia Mirza, Patralekha Paul, Kumud Mishra, Aditya Srivastava, Amrita Puri, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Pooja Gor, Kanwaljit Singh, Yashpal Sharma, Sushant Singh, Rajiv Thakur and others in pivotal characters.
Manoj Pahwa’s upcoming project
Manoj will be next seen in Jigra featuring Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina. The film is directed by Vasan Bala and jointly produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and Alia’s Eternal Sunshine Productions.