In the Indian film industry, director Imtiaz Ali is regarded as a trailblazer. Despite the fact that his most recent movie, ‘Amar Singh Chamika’, was widely praised, he has also had some enormous failures in his career. Imtiaz Ali recently discussed one of his less successful movies, Sara Ali Khan and Kartik Aaryan‘s ‘Love Aaj Kal 2’.
In an interview with Mid Day, Imtiaz shared that when he learned that Sara Ali Khan had stated she did not like herself in the film, the filmmaker gave an explanation of what went wrong with the project.
He disclosed how the young actors were unable to comprehend his concept, Imtiaz shared, “There was something very sensitive in Love Aaj Kal 2. My English teacher told me the film reminded her of her English classes when she would ask young students if they understood what she was saying and they said yes, even if they didn’t. She said the youngsters in the film didn’t get what you were trying to say. I am not blaming Sara and Kartik. Direction is a process of working with an actor, but he or she is not obliged to understand because they have surrendered.”
He further added, “I did not get it that I had to explain to them in different ways to get them to that point where they could own that material. The script could not communicate to me or the actors perhaps.”
When Imtiaz was questioned if he would call the film his rough patch, the filmmaker said that at all times, he is fully immersed in a particular challenge and is solely focused on overcoming it at that moment. There is no sense of being in a difficult situation, despite the underperformance of some films.
On the work front, Imtiaz Ali’s last film ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ received great reviews. The filmmaker has yet to announce his next project.
In an interview with Mid Day, Imtiaz shared that when he learned that Sara Ali Khan had stated she did not like herself in the film, the filmmaker gave an explanation of what went wrong with the project.
He disclosed how the young actors were unable to comprehend his concept, Imtiaz shared, “There was something very sensitive in Love Aaj Kal 2. My English teacher told me the film reminded her of her English classes when she would ask young students if they understood what she was saying and they said yes, even if they didn’t. She said the youngsters in the film didn’t get what you were trying to say. I am not blaming Sara and Kartik. Direction is a process of working with an actor, but he or she is not obliged to understand because they have surrendered.”
He further added, “I did not get it that I had to explain to them in different ways to get them to that point where they could own that material. The script could not communicate to me or the actors perhaps.”
When Imtiaz was questioned if he would call the film his rough patch, the filmmaker said that at all times, he is fully immersed in a particular challenge and is solely focused on overcoming it at that moment. There is no sense of being in a difficult situation, despite the underperformance of some films.
On the work front, Imtiaz Ali’s last film ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ received great reviews. The filmmaker has yet to announce his next project.
Madhubala and Dilip Kumar are my dream cast: Imtiaz Ali