In a video that is going viral online, the veteran actress boldly took a stand during the session to tell Harivansh, “Sir, sirf Jaya Bachchan bolte to kaafi hojata (It would’ve been enough to call me Jaya Bachchan).”
However, it was noted that her name registered on the sheet included her actor-husband’s name.
This prompted Jaya to remark, “Ye jo hain kuch naya tarika hain ki mahilaayen apni pati ke naam se jaani jaye. Unka koi astitva nahi. Unki koi upalabdh hi nahi hain, apne mein aur astitva nahi hain. Ye jo naya shuru hua hain, I just…” (Some new method has emerged that women have to be known by their husband’s name. Women have no identity. They have no achievements, no identity of their own. This new thing, I just…)
Singh then went on to correct himself and address the actress as, “Shrimati Jaya ji.”
The incident sparked strong reactions from fans who lauded the actress for her stance. One fan called her ‘brave,’ while another questioned why her husband’s name was added, asking, “If she has not added it, then who did…or is it happening for everyone?”
Another supporter pointed out the selective outrage, commenting, “She is not wrong though. Before she became a ‘Bachchan’ she was a successful actress herself. Indeed, how far we have come.”
“If Jaya Amitabh Bachchan is to be acceptable, then her husband should also be called Amitabh Jaya Bachchan,” said another.
During her addressal in Parliament, the actress and MP shared her views on the death of the UPSC student in Old Rajinder Nagar. Sharing her pain as a ‘mother and grandmother’, she said, “It’s a very painful incident and we should not bring politics into the matter.”
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