The much-awaited teaser trailer of ‘Jigra’ starring Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina was launched on Sunday, September 8, by the makers. The 2.49-minute teaser-trailer gives a glimpse into the bond between a brother-sister duo, and how Satya (played by Alia Bhatt) goes to great lengths to save her brother, played by Raina.
As the makers dropped the teaser trailer, it is receiving incredible response from the audience, and the director Vasan Bala himself called Alia Bhatt a superstar.
In a note that accompanies the promo video on his Instagram story, the director wrote, “Superstar Alia Bhatt in and as Satya.”
He also expressed his gratitude to Karan Johar who is bankrolling the film. “Can’t thank you enough for sending that kachcha pukka email to Alia. I didn’t know if I was prepared… you knew I was. Love and Gratitude always.”
The director also shared the promo on his social media handle and wrote, “#JIGRA TEASER TRAILER OUT ! Made this with people who were there from the beginning, who knew me more than me and then met people who had more faith me than I have in myself. I don’t know how to show but it is what it is…only Love and Gratitude. Ulti ginti shuru! In cinemas 11th October.”
Check out the promo here.
As the makers dropped the teaser trailer, it is receiving incredible response from the audience, and the director Vasan Bala himself called Alia Bhatt a superstar.
In a note that accompanies the promo video on his Instagram story, the director wrote, “Superstar Alia Bhatt in and as Satya.”
He also expressed his gratitude to Karan Johar who is bankrolling the film. “Can’t thank you enough for sending that kachcha pukka email to Alia. I didn’t know if I was prepared… you knew I was. Love and Gratitude always.”
The director also shared the promo on his social media handle and wrote, “#JIGRA TEASER TRAILER OUT ! Made this with people who were there from the beginning, who knew me more than me and then met people who had more faith me than I have in myself. I don’t know how to show but it is what it is…only Love and Gratitude. Ulti ginti shuru! In cinemas 11th October.”
Check out the promo here.
Slated for release on October 11, ‘Jigra’ is expected to be an intense thriller. Written by Debashish Irengbam & Vasan Bala, the film has a talented technical crew of cinematographer Swapnil S. Sonawane ISC, editor Prerna Saigal, music director Achint Thakkar, and action director Vikram Dahiya.