John Abraham is gearing up for the release of his film ‘Vedaa‘. The actor had attended the film’s trailer launch event in the city, along with co-star Sharvari Wagh, director Nikhil Advani and others. John got angry when a journalist told him, ‘kuch naya kijiye’ thus adding that the actor is only concentrating on action movies. The ‘Jism’ actor had reacted to it and called out the journalist idiot for asking this.
John has now broken silence on his reaction at the trailer launch.The actor said on Ranveer Allahbadia‘s podcast, “I know that one person was planted there to rile me up, to antagonise me, to make me angry. And I want to say that they won and I lost because I got angry.”
He also admitted that he doesn’t like trailer launches. “I don’t like trailer launches because you time travel 20 years back, the same journalists, the same absurd questions.”
During the trailer launch event, after getting angry, here’s what John had replied to the journalist. He said, “Main toh aapko sirf directly kehna chahta hoon ki ye film alag hai. Mere hisab se to it is a very intense performance jo maine kara hai. Of course, aapne film dekhi nahi hai. (No, I just want to tell you that this is a different kind of movie. In my opinion, it was a very intense performance. Of course, you haven’t seen the film). But if you are wrong, I am going to turn you around and tear you apart (laughs)!”
John further also spoke about why he is so private about his life. “That’s my motto, that I need to work, do good work. I don’t need to go to parties, network, I don’t read comments in life,” said John.
John has now broken silence on his reaction at the trailer launch.The actor said on Ranveer Allahbadia‘s podcast, “I know that one person was planted there to rile me up, to antagonise me, to make me angry. And I want to say that they won and I lost because I got angry.”
He also admitted that he doesn’t like trailer launches. “I don’t like trailer launches because you time travel 20 years back, the same journalists, the same absurd questions.”
During the trailer launch event, after getting angry, here’s what John had replied to the journalist. He said, “Main toh aapko sirf directly kehna chahta hoon ki ye film alag hai. Mere hisab se to it is a very intense performance jo maine kara hai. Of course, aapne film dekhi nahi hai. (No, I just want to tell you that this is a different kind of movie. In my opinion, it was a very intense performance. Of course, you haven’t seen the film). But if you are wrong, I am going to turn you around and tear you apart (laughs)!”
John further also spoke about why he is so private about his life. “That’s my motto, that I need to work, do good work. I don’t need to go to parties, network, I don’t read comments in life,” said John.