After an adventurous spring season of anime, Crunchyroll officially announced the summer 2024 anime lineup for the last week of June and the upcoming month of July. The lineup includes all the series which will be available to the audience on the anime streaming platform. The lineup introduced a lot of new animes along with the continuation of a few from the spring season. The anime will be available to stream from June 26 on Crunchyroll.
July Week 1 (July 1 – July 8)
According to Crunchyroll, The first week of July will see the release of a total of 15 anime. Season 2 of Shy will be released on July 1, 2024, followed by the release of Tasuketsu on July 2. Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russia will be released on July 3. Five anime will be released in a single day on July 4 which will include Senpai is an Otokonoko, Twilight Out of Focus, Days with My Stepsister, season 2 of The Cafe Terrace and Its Goddesses and Pseudo Harem.
On July 5, NieR: Automata Ver1.1a Cour 2 and Quality Assurance in Another World will be released. MONOGATARI series: OFF & MONSTER will be released on July 6. One of the anticipated anime, Tower of God Season 2 will be released on July 7 along with Wistoria: Wand and Sword, Narenare -Cheer for You! and VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream. Mayoka Punch will be released on July 8.
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July Week 2 (July 9 – July 15)
The second week of July on Crunchyroll will kick off with the release of No Longer Allowed In Another World on July 9 and Love Is Indivisible by Twins on July 10. Bye Bye, Earth will be released on July 12. A trio of three anime, Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!, ATRI -My Dear Moments and Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? will be released on July 13.
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July Week 3 (July 16 – July 22)
There is only one anime set to release in the third week of July called Sengoku Youko Cour 2. There is no anime scheduled after the release of the anime on July 17 including the last week of July.
Along with the above-mentioned anime, episodes of anime from the Spring season including That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3, One Piece, and My Hero Academia Season 7 will continue to be released as per their weekly schedule.