The anime adaptation of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki is set to premiere later this year, on the channel Adult Swim. In an interview with Japan Times, Junji Ito shared that the first of the four episodes are complete, and that he is very happy with the result. “I am very pleased with how the first episode turned out,” he said, proud that the adaptation was meeting his high standards.
Fans of Japanese horror have long been awaiting the release of the anime.It was originally slated to premiere in 2020 on Toonami, but was later postponed to 2021, and then again to October 2022 due to issues concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. In June 2022, the author and staff announced an indefinite delay for the series. “As much as we’d like to deliver this show to the the public as soon as possible, we don’t want to compromise its quality by delivering a mediocre final product,” The official twitter account stated. The ensuing silence left fans uncertain of if the anime would ever release, or whether it was doomed to forever remain unreleased.
Uzumaki is a famous Japanese horror manga series, written and illustrated by Junji Ito. It started publishing in 1998 and finished in 1999, with physical volumes being released shortly after. An English translation was released in 2002. It centers on the citizens of Kurouzu-cho, a city that has been cursed with spirals that distort the world. It is considered to be Ito’s best work.
Fans of Japanese horror have long been awaiting the release of the anime.It was originally slated to premiere in 2020 on Toonami, but was later postponed to 2021, and then again to October 2022 due to issues concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. In June 2022, the author and staff announced an indefinite delay for the series. “As much as we’d like to deliver this show to the the public as soon as possible, we don’t want to compromise its quality by delivering a mediocre final product,” The official twitter account stated. The ensuing silence left fans uncertain of if the anime would ever release, or whether it was doomed to forever remain unreleased.
Uzumaki is a famous Japanese horror manga series, written and illustrated by Junji Ito. It started publishing in 1998 and finished in 1999, with physical volumes being released shortly after. An English translation was released in 2002. It centers on the citizens of Kurouzu-cho, a city that has been cursed with spirals that distort the world. It is considered to be Ito’s best work.