While out promoting his film, Kabir dubbed Salman as the “King of action movies.” The director, who has collaborated with the actor in several film ventures, shared his honest thoughts during a recent interview with News24.Khan, who has directed Salman in blockbuster hits like ‘Ek Tha Tiger‘, described the actor’s unparalleled impact on audiences. “Maine Salman ke saath kaam kiya hai toe, I think jo unka asar hota hai audience pe wo bahut hota hai.”
Recalling a memorable moment from the release of ‘Ek Tha Tiger’, Kabir humorously recounted how enthusiastic fans, in their excitement, showered coins during the film’s screening. He said, “Ek Tha Tiger theatre mein dekhi thi, pata nahi bahut se sikke mere sar par lage the.”
‘Ek Tha Tiger’, was released in 2012 and was a commercial success. The director-actor duo went on to reunite for the blockbuster ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ and the war film ‘Tubelight‘ which sadly didn’t perform as well as expected.
Speaking about casting Kartik Aaryan as his lead, Kabir told IANS, “When I was writing the script of ‘Chandu’… obviously, when you are writing the script, you have an image in your mind. And that image, that character, has an age, personality, attitude… So, when you have these pointers, the next step is to identify which actor can embody all these characteristics. Very strongly, I felt those characteristics in Kartik Aaryan.”
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