Bollywood actor and Mandi MP Kangana Ranaut shared good news with her fans on Monday. Her upcoming film Emergency has finally got its release date. It is significant to note that Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency got a clean chit from the censor board on October 17. The actress had informed through her social media account that her film had got the censor certificate. Since then, the release date of the film has been expected. For the unversed, Indira Gandhi’s biopic was scheduled to release on September 6. However, due to their struggle with the censor board and several court cases, the release of this film was postponed. Now Emergency will be released in theatres on January 17, 2024.
What was the controversy over Emergency?
Kangana’s film was embroiled in controversies for a long time. Emergency’s release was postponed after protests by Sikh organisations. The religious group alleged that the film presented a wrong image of their society. The film’s trailer was released on August 14, and since then a controversy arose over the movie. Protests were held against the film in Punjab and a ban was demanded.
CBFC had earlier given a certificate to the movie, but when the anger of the Sikh community came to the fore, it was seen that people reached the Madhya Pradesh High Court in protest, then the central government said that the certificate had not been issued to the makers yet. The Madhya Pradesh High Court ordered the CBFC to pay attention to the objections of the Sikhs before giving the certificate.
Kangana had to make changes to the movie
On the other hand, the makers also approached the court. They knocked the door of the Bombay High Court when the film was not given a certificate. CBFC formed a revising committee, which suggested changes in the film to Kangana. According to the information, the censor board had laid down conditions for passing the certificate. They had objected to some scenes of the movie. The makers were ordered to make changes to their film and put disclaimers on historical issues.
Cast of Emergency
In the movie Emergency, Kangana will be seen in the role of the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. Along with acting, she has also directed and produced this movie. Many actors like Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade and Mahima Chaudhary will also be seen in important roles in the film. Emergency will be released in theatres on January 17, 2024.
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