Siva’s Suriya, Bobby Deol and Disha Patani-starrer Kanguva will be released in theatres on November 14. The Tamil Nadu government has allowed the film to have five shows per day, as opposed to the usual timings. But no permission has been given for early shows, with the earliest screening to be held at 9 am. (Also Read: Kanguva release trailer: Suriya, Bobby Deol film all about ‘resurrection’ and fulfilling ‘prophecy’. Watch)
Kanguva morning shows in Tamil Nadu
KE Gananvel Raja’s Studio Green thanked the Tamil Nadu government for allowing five shows, writing on X (formerly Twitter), “#Kanguva is all set to storm in cinemas near you with special 9 AM shows for its release. Thank you Tamil Nadu Government.” The order was given just two days before Tuesday’s film release and the film’s team had asked permission for 5 am shows.
The government relaxed its usual rules of 11 am shows to allow a 9 am show for Kanguva, with the fifth show allowed to end by 2 am. It also urged theatres screening Kanguva to provide the required safety and security arrangements for the audience. However, the film will have earlier shows in other states, including Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala, some beginning as early as 4 am.
While 9 am is some relief compared to the usual 11 am, fans who were hoping for an exception were disappointed. “Better to ask for 7 AM Shows instead of night,” commented one fan with a sad face emoji. Another left a similar comment, “At least 7am show avuthu podalam govt.” “9 am?? Seriously Bro” wrote one fan. “9AM special shows aah,” asked another. More comments in similar vein read, “Sad for fans in Tamilnadu.”
The issue with morning shows
For the unversed, morning shows for star films have been the norm in southern states, with some shows beginning as early as midnight. However, the TN government stopped allowing early screenings of films after an accident during the Pongal 2023 releases. While this led to discontent among the exhibitors and distributors as Tamil films got earlier releases in other states, the government remains steadfast in its conviction.
Kanguva’s music was composed by Devi Sri Prasad, editing was done by the late Nishad Yusuf, and cinematography was done by Vetri Palanisamy. The film will also have a second part, with Suriya recently telling the press in Mumbai, “We have Kanguva 2. That’s where our priorities lie. The climax of Kanguva Part 1 will leave you with a lot of questions and surprises. Hence, Kanguva 2 is what we are looking forward to.”