Ace filmmaker Karan Johar on Wednesday took to his Instagram handle and shared a series of throwback pictures of himself and his late father, Yash Johar, on his 20th death anniversary. He also penned down a long emotional note in the caption. Yash Johar was a well-known face in Hindi cinema, who produced several popular flicks including Agneepath, Gumrah, Duplicate, and Dostana (1980), among others.
See the post:
”I can’t believe it’s been 20 years. My biggest fear was losing a parent… August 2nd,2003 my father told me he had a malignant tumour… my worst nightmare was staring at me and yet it was my duty as his child to stay positive and keep the faith… but the worst thing about instincts are that….they never lie,” Karan wrote in the caption.
”He left us 10 months after …. We lost him … but we gained every inch of his mammoth goodwill…. I was so proud to be the son of the most solid,soulful and selfless man… he put his relationships above everything else… and has left a legacy of love that my mother and I still live by. I wish he knew our children … but I do know he’s watching over them and us….all the time. Love you Papa,” he added.
Soon after he shared the post on Instagram, many Bollywood celebrities and specifically his friends from the film fraternity flooded the comment section. Priyanka Chopra wrote, ”The Best.” Hrithik Roshan, Sonu Sood, Manisha Koirala, and Manish Malhotra dropped red-heart emojis in the comment section. Zoya Akhtar commented, ”The Best of the Best.”
Karan Johar continues to remember his father in each of his movies in the opening credits with a picture of Yash Johar and a text which reads, ”We Miss You.”
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