Kiran Raj, popular Kannada actor known for his role in the show ‘Kannadathi’, was involved in a road accident near Kengeri on Tuesday. The incident took place when the actor’s car collided with a divider while travelling on Kengeri Road in the early morning hours. As per the latest report, he sustained injuries to his chest in the accident. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital in Kengeri, where he is currently receiving treatment. The actor’s condition is stable, and further updates on his recovery are awaited.
As per media reports, he was driving his black Mercedes Benz and was accompanied by his executive producer. Kiran Raj has not only made his mark in Kannada TV shows but has also acted in a few Hindi shows as well. After his show ‘Kannadathi’, he recently finished shooting for his upcoming film Rani, which is slated to release soon.