In this viral photo the actress was seen in an orange beachwear with shorts. Meanwhile, a video of the actress smoking while on this beach has gone viral on the internet. Reddit spotted it and posted this video, however, this has angered the fans of the actress. A user said, “There’s something so distasteful about famous people being filmed on holiday without their consent.” Another one said, “As long as she doesn’t promote it. It’s whatever.”
A fan defended Kriti and said, “I don’t see your point. People smoke so what? why is that an issue? She is on vacation, she can do anything she wants that is not illegal.”
As this video goes viral, an old interview of Kriti has surfaced on the internet where she spoke about smoking for her movie, ‘Bareily Ki Barfi’. Speaking to Midday’s hitlist, she said, “I was always a non-smoker and I continue to be one. I only picked up the cigarette because my character demanded me to do that.”
On work front, Kriti was last seen in ‘Crew‘ alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tabu.