The controversy erupted when a video surfaced online showing Sanu allegedly performing at an event celebrating Khan’s release from jail. However, a fact-check conducted by PTI confirmed that the footage was originally from a concert held by Sanu in Brisbane earlier this year and had been digitally manipulated. The singer took to Instagram to address the issue, clarifying that the audio in question was not his and had been artificially created.
Sanu expressed his frustration over the incident, stating in a lengthy Instagram post, “I want to clarify that I have never sung any song for Pakistan’s former Prime Minister. The audio circulating on Facebook is not my voice—it has been created using AI. Some people are trying to defame me, and that’s why I want to tell my fans that this news is fake, a lie!”
He further condemned the misuse of technology, urging the Indian government to take swift action against the abuse of AI and deepfake tools. “This is a serious misuse of technology, and I urge the Government of India to take immediate action to prevent the abuse of AI and deepfake technology. Let’s stop the spread of misinformation #fakenews”, he added. Following Sanu’s statement, his fans rallied in support, flooding the comments section with messages of solidarity.
The video, originally shared on Facebook with a misleading caption reading, “Imran Khan Wazir E Azam Banayenge Naya Pakistan ko Wapas le aaenge”, has been discredited following Sanu’s clarification. Known for his iconic hits like ‘Dil Ka Aalam’, ‘Pardesi Pardesi’, and ‘Tum Dil Ki’, Kumar Sanu has also been a prominent figure as a judge on various musical reality shows.
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