A man named Uzair Faiz Mohiuddin has been arrested by Mumbai Police for following Salman Khan’s convoy on September 18 midnight. The incident took place around 12 midnight and 12:25 am. When Salman Khan’s convoy was passing through Mehboob Studios in Mumbai, Mohiuddin was riding fast on a motorcycle and came very close to the actor’s car. This person’s way of driving a motorcycle was suspiciously very dangerous. The police personnel deployed for Salman Khan’s security repeatedly honked their horns and asked him to move away, yet he continued to drive his motorcycle along with Salman’s car.
Later, Galaxy security personnel were informed about the incident and the person was caught near his Apartment. The person is a resident of Bandra in Mumbai and the local police has also seized his motorcycle. Police have arrested him for endangering the lives of Salman Khan and the policemen deployed for his security.