Manoj Bajpayee who has done about 100 movies in Hindi cinema, has come quite a long way from the time he initially started off his career. The actor who earlier stayed in a chawl with 10 other people during the initial struggling days, now has several properties in the city as well. As per a latest report, Bajpayee has now sold his luxurious apartment for Rs 9 crore.The actor had bought it in 2013 with his wife Shabana Bajpayee.
At that point, the cost of this apartment was Rs 6.4 crore. But it has now been sold at Rs 9 crore. According to a report in Bollywood Hungama, the actor had bought this house with a stamp duty payment of Rs 54 lakh and this trasnsaction was documented in an agreement to sell. It was registered in August this year. This apartment is located in Minerva which is a luxury residential tower in Mahalaxmi. This apartment had a carpet area of 1247 square feet.
At the moment, the ‘Satya’ actor stays at Lokhandwala in Andheri with his wife and daughter. He’s been staying there for a few years now, so looks like this property in Mahalaxmi could have been for investment purposes.
Meanwhile, Bajpayee had revealed during a chat with Curly Tales, the actor had revealed that he was staying at a chawl in DN Nagar during his struggling days as there were lack of opportunities for new actors. He would stay there with his friends and called it a great time as they would indulge in fun activities together like long chats, practice scenes together for auditions, read books and lots more.
Interestingly, in this place, he stayed with 10 people which also included Tigmanshu Dhulia who is now a well-known writer-director. On work front, Bajpayee was last seen in ‘Bhaiyaji’.
At that point, the cost of this apartment was Rs 6.4 crore. But it has now been sold at Rs 9 crore. According to a report in Bollywood Hungama, the actor had bought this house with a stamp duty payment of Rs 54 lakh and this trasnsaction was documented in an agreement to sell. It was registered in August this year. This apartment is located in Minerva which is a luxury residential tower in Mahalaxmi. This apartment had a carpet area of 1247 square feet.
At the moment, the ‘Satya’ actor stays at Lokhandwala in Andheri with his wife and daughter. He’s been staying there for a few years now, so looks like this property in Mahalaxmi could have been for investment purposes.
Meanwhile, Bajpayee had revealed during a chat with Curly Tales, the actor had revealed that he was staying at a chawl in DN Nagar during his struggling days as there were lack of opportunities for new actors. He would stay there with his friends and called it a great time as they would indulge in fun activities together like long chats, practice scenes together for auditions, read books and lots more.
Interestingly, in this place, he stayed with 10 people which also included Tigmanshu Dhulia who is now a well-known writer-director. On work front, Bajpayee was last seen in ‘Bhaiyaji’.