Recently awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty’s first wife Helena Luke has passed away in America. Famous dancer and actress Kalpana Iyer has shared this information on her social media page. Mithun and Helena’s marriage lasted only four months. Helena played a special character in Amitabh Bachchan’s film ‘Mard’. Helena, who has been living in America for a long time, also worked in Delta Airlines. In one of her posts, she had written on social media about her ill health, but due to not taking medical help, she passed away on November 3, 2024.
Helena Luke’s last post
After Helena Luke’s death, her last Facebook post is going viral rapidly. Helena at 9:20 am on Sunday wrote, ‘Feeling strange. Mixed emotions and no clue why. Discombobulated.’ People are commenting on the post and speculating why Helena was feeling like this a day before her death. At the same time, his fans have commented on the post and prayed for the peace of his soul.
Helena’s acting career
Helena played the role of a British queen in Manmohan Desai’s blockbuster masala film ‘Mard’. Her character, Lady Helen, first saves Azad Singh (Dara Singh) and then his son Raju/Mard Tangewala (Amitabh Bachchan). Amitabh’s dialogue in the film, “Aaj pata chala, sab goron ka dil kaala nahi hota madam” became very famous at that time.
Apart from this, Helena appeared in many other films, including films like ‘Aao Pyar Karen’, ‘Do Gulab’ and ‘Saath Saath’. However, Helena’s journey in Bollywood was not very long.
Mithun Chakraborty and Helena Luke’s marriage lasted for only 4 months
If reports are to be believed, Mithun Chakraborty met model-actress Helena Luke after breaking up with actress Sarika. It is said that both of them fell in love at first sight and got married. At that time Mithun was at the peak of his career and Helena was his first wife. However, the marriage ended soon. Just four months after the marriage, Helena asked for a divorce and later Mithun married actress Yogita Bali.
She had said this about the divorce
Talking about her divorce, Helena said in an interview that she was not happy with this marriage. The promises made by Mithun had spoiled her mind. Things did not go well between the two. Helena had also said that she would never go to Mithun again. Let us tell you that Helena was living in New York for years and was working as a flight attendant in Delta Airlines.
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