Veteran actor Mohanlal’s 2000 film Devadoothan is all set for a re-release. Said to be coming out in 4K remastered version, Mohanlal and the film’s director Sibi Malayil took to their respective social media handles to share the news.
Devadoothan revolves around a gifted musician who is haunted by a spirit. The film also stars Jaya Prada, Vijayalakshmi, Janardhanan, Jagathy Sreekumar, Murali, Sarath Das and Vineeth Kumar. Produced by Siyad Koker under the banner of Koker Films, the film was written by Raghunath Paleri.
The film, which has accumulated a cult following over the years, won three Kerala State Film Awards, including Best Film with Popular Appeal and Aesthetic Value, Best Music Director and Best Costume Designer. Santosh Thundiyil did the cinematography and the film’s music is by Vidyasagar.
According to reports, Mohanlal’s iconic Manichitrathazhu (1993) is also set for a rerelease later this month.