In a chat with Bollywood Bubble, Mukesh Khanna reminisced about a moment when Raaj Kumar, approaching the set, noticed Rajesh Khanna, Jeetendra, and several other actors.Raaj Kumar remarked to the director about the presence of many junior artists. Khanna also recalled Raaj Kumar telling Zeenat Aman that she should have been more prominent in films.
Mukesh described Raaj Kumar as a “great man” who could be easily intimidated. He shared anecdotes about Raaj Kumar’s interactions with Amjad Khan and Sunil Dutt. In one instance, after an objectionable comment from Raaj Kumar, Amjad Khan confronted him directly, challenging him to speak face-to-face. Another story involved Sunil Dutt, who, upset by Raaj Kumar’s lack of eye contact during a scene, grabbed him by the collar and insisted on direct communication.
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Mukesh Khanna praised Raaj Kumar for keeping his cancer and death private, ensuring he was cremated before news spread in the industry. Khanna noted Raaj Kumar’s extreme privacy, as he didn’t allow anyone to attend his last rites. Raaj Kumar passed away in 1996 at age 69.