After a five-year hiatus, politician and commentator Navjot Singh Sidhu is set to make a grand return to Kapil Sharma’s show. You must be living under a rock if you do not know that Navjot Singh Sidhu was replaced by Archana Puran Singh on the comedy show. In a short video shared on his Instagram by Navjot Singh Sidhu, he is seen back in his signature chair, sparking plenty of excitement and confusion. In the video, Kapil, puzzled by Navjot Singh Sidhu’s presence, mistakes him for comedian Sunil Grover, who often impersonates Sidhu on the show. Kapil says, “Sunil paaji, aap har dusre din Sidhu paaji ban ke aa jaate ho. [Sunil paaji, you show up as Sidhu paaji every other day.]”
To this, Navjot Singh Sidhu responds, “Abey oye! Dhyaan se dekh. [Hey! Look closely. ] Knock-knock! Who is there? Sikh Sidhu.” Archana Puran Singh, visibly uneasy, nudges Kapil Sharma and says, “Kapil, tu sardar sahab se bol de, vo meri kursi se uth jaaye. Kabza kar ke baith gaye hain. [Kapil, tell sardar sahab to get up from my chair. He has taken over my seat]”
Before you jump to a conclusion, Navjot Singh Sidhu is not coming on the show to reclaim his old spot – he is arriving as a guest alongside his wife, Navjot Kaur Sidhu. The couple is joined by cricketer Harbhajan Singh and his wife, model-actress Geeta Basra.
Adding to the laughs, Harbhajan Singh teases Archana Puran Singh by saying, “Duniya, kuch bhi kahe. Par kisi ke kehne se koi buddhu nahi ban jaata. Kursi pe koi bhi baith jaye, par koi Sidhu nahi ban jata. [No matter what people say, no one becomes a fool just because of others’ opinions. Anyone can sit on that chair, but no one can replace Sidhu.]”
We bet you will be left in splits after seeing Sunil Grover, dressed as Navjot Singh Sidhu. He makes a surprise entrance. He climbs the stairs, hugs Archana Puran Singh, and jokingly calls for someone to move her chair.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Navjot Singh Sidhu wrote, “The Home Run …..” Reacting to the post, Harbhajan Singh said, “Paji chaaa gaye. Showtime with BOSSMAN”
The Great Indian Kapil Show episode featuring Navjot Singh Sidhu will premiere on Netflix on Saturday, November 16.