Social media was raving about the Indian cricket squad after they lifted the trophy at T20 World Cup, each member of the team too celebrated the win with emotional posts on Instagram. Hardik Panday also resonated the emotions with a series of posts, however his wife, Natasa Stankovic skipped the same.
Earlier this year, netizens noticed that Natasa had removed her pictures with Hardik and had also dropped Pandya from her name, leading to buzz about the couple’s sepration.However in June, Natasa Stankovic restored their wedding pictures on Instagram, damping the buzz about divorce. However, Natasa’s missing enthusiasm for India’s win has once again brought the spotlight on her allegedly strained relationship with Hardik.
Natasa Stankovic did not congratulate Team India or react the a clip of Hardik breaking down into tears in the post match interview. Users on Reddit pointed out that despite being active on Instagram, Natasa skipped wishing her husband or the men in blue. Comments on Natasa’s old post have reginited buzz about the couple’s separation. “Not a single story posted… So something is true now I believe,” read one comment, while defending Natasa, one user reacted, “Can’t she celebrate in private with her husband and kid?” Soon after the match, Hardik was seen engaging on a video call with someone, seemingly with Natasa or a family member.
Natasa and Hardik got engaged on January 1, 2020, and tied the knot during the COVID lockdown. Their son, Agastya, was born on July 30, 2020. The couple renewed their wedding vows in Udaipur on February 14, 2023, with a grand celebration which went on for days.
Earlier this year, netizens noticed that Natasa had removed her pictures with Hardik and had also dropped Pandya from her name, leading to buzz about the couple’s sepration.However in June, Natasa Stankovic restored their wedding pictures on Instagram, damping the buzz about divorce. However, Natasa’s missing enthusiasm for India’s win has once again brought the spotlight on her allegedly strained relationship with Hardik.
Natasa Stankovic did not congratulate Team India or react the a clip of Hardik breaking down into tears in the post match interview. Users on Reddit pointed out that despite being active on Instagram, Natasa skipped wishing her husband or the men in blue. Comments on Natasa’s old post have reginited buzz about the couple’s separation. “Not a single story posted… So something is true now I believe,” read one comment, while defending Natasa, one user reacted, “Can’t she celebrate in private with her husband and kid?” Soon after the match, Hardik was seen engaging on a video call with someone, seemingly with Natasa or a family member.
Natasa and Hardik got engaged on January 1, 2020, and tied the knot during the COVID lockdown. Their son, Agastya, was born on July 30, 2020. The couple renewed their wedding vows in Udaipur on February 14, 2023, with a grand celebration which went on for days.
Will Natasa Stankovic and Hardik Pandya Reconcile? Video Call Post World Cup Final Raises Eyebrows