A video featuring Nita and Mukesh Ambani saying goodbye to their son Anant Ambani and his wife Radhika Merchant has set the social media ablaze. The Ambani family, who were in Paris to watch the ongoing 2024 Olympics, displayed heartwarming family moments as Nita and Mukesh left the French capital.
In the video, Nita Ambani is seen giving Radhika Merchant a hearty embrace.Nita looked stunning as she wore a stylish bright pink ensemble that included baggy pants and an oversized button-up top. She accessorized the look with a trendy handbag and sunglasses. Her affectionate gesture towards her ‘new bahu’ Radhika won the hearts of netizens.
Wearing a classy white sleeveless dress, Radhika reciprocates the hug with equal warmth. Anant Ambani, who was seen casually dressed in dark shorts and a colorful printed shirt, stands nearby. Nita was also seen giving Anant a gentle peck on the cheek. Beside his son, Mukesh Ambani dressed simply in a black zip-up sweater.
The Ambanis were in Paris for the 2024 Olympics in addition to spending time with each other. Nita Ambani, a member of the International Olympic Committee from India, was present at multiple events, including the opening ceremony.
On Saturday, Nita Ambani also inaugurated the India House for the Olympics in Paris. In an effort to advance Indian culture in anticipation of the nation’s bid to host the 2036 Games, this is the first of its kind for India at the Olympic Games. The Indian Olympic Association and the Reliance Foundation, which is led and created by Nita Ambani, collaborated to create the India House.
The Ambani family’s trip to the Olympics comes just weeks after the lavish wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, daughter of Viren and Shaila Merchant. Pre-wedding activities lasted for several months prior to the wedding.
In the video, Nita Ambani is seen giving Radhika Merchant a hearty embrace.Nita looked stunning as she wore a stylish bright pink ensemble that included baggy pants and an oversized button-up top. She accessorized the look with a trendy handbag and sunglasses. Her affectionate gesture towards her ‘new bahu’ Radhika won the hearts of netizens.
Wearing a classy white sleeveless dress, Radhika reciprocates the hug with equal warmth. Anant Ambani, who was seen casually dressed in dark shorts and a colorful printed shirt, stands nearby. Nita was also seen giving Anant a gentle peck on the cheek. Beside his son, Mukesh Ambani dressed simply in a black zip-up sweater.
The Ambanis were in Paris for the 2024 Olympics in addition to spending time with each other. Nita Ambani, a member of the International Olympic Committee from India, was present at multiple events, including the opening ceremony.
On Saturday, Nita Ambani also inaugurated the India House for the Olympics in Paris. In an effort to advance Indian culture in anticipation of the nation’s bid to host the 2036 Games, this is the first of its kind for India at the Olympic Games. The Indian Olympic Association and the Reliance Foundation, which is led and created by Nita Ambani, collaborated to create the India House.
The Ambani family’s trip to the Olympics comes just weeks after the lavish wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, daughter of Viren and Shaila Merchant. Pre-wedding activities lasted for several months prior to the wedding.
Anant Ambani & Radhika Merchant Explore Paris