Malayalam actor Nivin Pauly is one of six against whom an FIR was booked at the Oonnukal police station in Kerala on Tuesday after a 40-year-old woman accused them of sexual assault in Dubai over a year ago. However, actors Vineeth Sreenivasan and Bhagath Manuel claim Nivin was with them in Kerala at the time of the alleged assault. (Also Read: Malayalam actor Nivin Pauly booked for rape; actor denies ‘baseless’ allegations)
Vineeth, Bhagath defend Nivin Pauly
Vineeth spoke to Reporter Live and claimed that Nivin was with him on the sets of their upcoming film in Kochi last year on December 14 and 15. He also claimed that they were together at Kochi’s ABAD Nucleus Mall till 3 AM on December 15. He also stated that Nivin went to the set of his upcoming series, Pharma, that day.
Pinkvilla translated what Vineeth said, “Nivin was with us filming in Kochi on December 14 and 15, 2023, the days the woman claims to have been abused. If you do some fact-checking, you will find that we booked a hotel under Nivin’s name in Kochi and filmed scenes with Nivin on stage surrounded by people. All of this can be easily verified. This shows that her allegations aren’t true.”
Bhagath took to Instagram to share pictures him and Nivin shooting for the film. He underlined a time stamp on the photo he shared, writing in Malayalam, “December 14 8 am to December 15 3 am, Vineeth, Nivin and I were together. These pictures are proof.”
Nivin Pauly denies charges levied against him
As soon as news broke on Tuesday, Nivin posted a note on his social media handles, “I have come across a false news report accusing me of abusing a girl. Please know that this is entirely untrue. I’m determined to go to any extent to prove these allegations are baseless and will take all necessary steps to bring those responsible to light. Thank you for your concern. The rest will be handled legally.”
He also held a press meet later in the day, looking relaxed but surprised at being accused of rape. Nivin told the press, “Police called me about a complaint filed by the same woman a month and a half ago. The case was closed when I told them I didn’t know her.” The police registered an FIR based on a fresh complaint by the woman. “I am sure I haven’t done anything wrong, so I’m responding immediately. People have called and consoled me, but I am ready to fight this legally,” he said.
This accusation comes weeks after the Justice K Hema Committee report was released, detailing the sexual harassment and exploitation pervailing in the Malayalam film industry. The report was commissioned after a female actor was assaulted in 2017 and actor Dileep was arrested in connection. He is now out on bail.