Bollywood actors Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal got married in an intimate ceremony on Sunday, June 23, in the presence of their family members and industry colleagues after dating for seven years. The actresses got married simply and had a grand reception afterwards. However, on this special occasion, both the brothers of the actress, Luv Sinha and Kush Sinha absence was noticed. The family remained silent on the rumours of Sona’s brother’s skipping her wedding, but now Luv and Kush both have broken their silence.
Sonakshi’s brothers were missing
Luv Sinha and Kush Sinha were not seen even in the pictures that surfaced. Sonakshi’s parents attended the wedding and were naturally excited about the day. The paparazzi claim that they were not spotted coming till the end. Meanwhile, the reaction of the actress’ brothers has come to the fore. When Luv was asked the reason behind his absence, he told Hindustan Times, ‘Please give a day or two. If I feel that I can answer, then I will answer your question. Thank you for asking.’
Here’s what Kush said on the rumours
After Luv now Kush Sinha has also broken his silence on the matter. While talking to News18, the actress’s brother said that he saw several sites claiming that he gave his sister’s wedding a miss, but he was very much there. “A few houses have my images. It’s just that I am a private individual and I am not seen that much but that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t there. I was present and I have only good wishes for my sister and wish her the best of everything,” said Kush Sinha.
For the unversed, Sonakshi Sinha’s family was reportedly not very happy with the actor having an inter-faith marriage. After much said and done, veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha called all these rumours false and said that Sonakshi is an independent woman and is allowed to choose her partner.
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