Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra and her politician husband Raghav Chadha were among the many popular celebrities who attended Wimbledon 2024. The couple attended the men’s singles final between Novak Djokovic and Carlos Alcaraz on Sunday, July 14. Parineeti now took to her Instagram profile to share several pictures from the outing. In the photos, where Parineeti Chopra was seen in a white formal outfit, Raghav, on the other hand, wore a brown blazer white shirt and white pants. Apart from them Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani also attended this year’s Wimbledon.
See Parineeti’s post here:
Shared photo holding each other’s hand
Parineeti Chopra shared pictures and videos related to the match in her Instagram stories yesterday as well. In one of these pictures, both of them could be seen holding each other hands in a romantic style. Fans are also lavishing a lot of love on this picture of Parineeti and Raghav. Many more pictures of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha from Wimbledon 2024 are becoming increasingly viral on social media.
Raghav and Parineeti attended the London India Forum 2024
Let us tell you that in March this year, both Parineeti and Raghav attended the London India Forum 2024 organized at the London School of Economics. The star couple shared pictures of the event on social media. Parineeti and Raghav gave a speech at the event. Parineeti shared the stage with director Kabir Khan.
On Parineeti Chopra’s work front
Meanwhile, talking about the work front, Parineeti Chopra was last seen in Imtiaz Ali’s film ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’. Diljit Dosanjh was in the lead in this film. The film received a lot of praise. Also, the performance of Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra was also well-liked by the people. For the moment, the actor has not yet revealed the details of her next project.
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