In the year 2023, from Gadar 2 to Jawan, Animal and Salaar, the box office was stormed. But 2024 has been dull so far compared to last year. Films like Fighter, HanuMan and Shaitaan tried to keep the business on point, but there was more blast in 2023. But now there is no need to worry at all because Kalki has arrived. Prabhas, Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan starrer Kalki 2898 AD is thrashing box office records one after the other. Its business has crossed Rs 500 crores worldwide and that too in just four days. Kalki’s fourth-day box office collection at the domestic box office is enough to blow your mind as well.
Kalki 2898 AD ends 6-month drought at the Indian box office
Kalki 2898 AD, directed by Nag Ashwin, has ended the 6-month drought at the Indian box office. After a smashing opening, there was a tremendous jump in earnings on Sunday. Kalki 2898 AD, which hit the theatres on June 27, has shown its power. The mixture of mythology and sci-fi has really melted in the hearts of the audience and this is clearly evident from the box office collection. Let us tell you that the Prabhas starrer movie opened its account with 95 crores on the first day in India. On the second day i.e. Friday, the movie did a business of 57 crores at the domestic box office. On Saturday, the movie saw a huge jump and earned 64 crores.
Kalki 2898 AD enters 500 crore club
According to SacNilk, Amitabh Bachchan’s movie earned Rs 85 crores on Sunday, i.e., the fourth day, at the domestic box office. With this, Kalki has become the first film of this year to do a business of more than 300 crores in four days. Talking about worldwide collection, the film earned more than 10.5 million in just North America. The film is going strong overseas as well and has earned 500 crores worldwide.
More deets about the film
Talking about the cast of Kalki 2898 AD, actors like Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Disha Patani, and Dulquer Salman have played important roles in the film. The story of the film starts with Mahabharata and then the beginning of Kalki is expected in its sequel. The second part of the film will be released after three years.
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